Friday 2 December 2016

Imagine Fx

A while ago I was totally honoured to be contacted by the awesome Imagine FX magazine who wanted to do a spread on my work environment. It's a magazine that I have always enjoyed and picked up a few times over the years so it was really nice to be asked. The spread is in the latest issue which features childrens book illustration, and is totally crammed with artists work that makes me swoon with admiration (and go green with jealousy, hehehe).

Quick character concepts for BBHB 3

Monday 28 November 2016

Review of Battle Badgers issue 2 .

The lovely peeps over at Pipe dream comics have only gone and reviewed issue 2!

check out the full review here....

Wednesday 26 October 2016

Friday 21 October 2016

Painty practice = New header for the Battle Badgers Facebook page.

Having spent hours pouring through the art books of legends like Wayne Reynolds and James Gurney I wanted to do an action filled piece in a widescreen format that I could use as a header (and maybe even a DM screen one day) for the BBHB Facebook page. I think this may be of of the first pics I have fully coloured up that includes Lawson the Shell mage!

Friday 23 September 2016

Battle badger book 2. Roll up! Roll up!

Issue Two: electric boogalooo!

Couple of lovely big boxes of Battle Badgers issue 2 arrived this morning. Looks awesome, Uk comics did a wicked job once again. Just hope peeps have a bit of Badger love still left in them for a second issue :) 

Friday 2 September 2016

Weston-con 2016 Ninja Turtles sketch

Ninja turtles sketch from the Weston "Stars of Time" con I was sketching at last monday. A really good convention, loads of great peeps dropped by the table to chat about Badgers beasts and fun stuff :)

Issue 2 done, time for a shin cup!

Many fridays later………and it's finally all done! All pencilled, inked and lettered, issue 2 is in the bag.
Now all i need to do is get the files ready for the printers, but before then it's off to the sea side for a week of rest and relaxation :)

Tuesday 9 August 2016

Not giving up!

Another music video collaboration from myself and the incredibly talented Jonni Slater. I did the artwork for this just after christmas so its cool to finally see the finsihed product.

Sunday 7 August 2016

Bristol con cover sketch fun.

Twas good to be back in Brizzle for the 2016 comic expo. Bristol was the first comic convention I ever attended back when I was a wee nipper so holds a special place in my scribbling heart.
Lots of love for the Badgers which was really cool, I hope people enjoy the book.

Friday 5 August 2016

Rising from the ground to some awesome sounds.

In prep for the upcoming collaboration on the "Not giving up" EP, the ultra talented Jonni Slater took the art from Kaiju: Fire and Grimstone and made an awesome mini movie. Using his wicked eye for atmosphere and applying one of his top tunes he has made it look flippin darn cool if i do say so myself.

Monday 1 August 2016

EP Artwork

Seems like a while ago now, but a few months back I did some work for an EP by Jonni Slater. A seven page mini comic that could also be used as a motion comic for the music video. It was good fun to work on and is finally being released. The idea revolved around someone longing to escape to the place of there dreams and "not giving up" in their pursuit of freedom.

Sunday 24 July 2016

Flying flames of fear.

One of the flashback spreads from issue two. Will hopefully be keeping these as pencil in contrast to the inked pages in order to show the difference in when the action is taking place. 

Friday 27 May 2016

Time to relax a little.

Phew! after a crazy busy day of scribblin and talking all things Beastly with the younglings at Blackbrook Primary its time to chillax to the max. Issue two of BBHB is coming along nicely (slightly side tracked by all the real world stuff but still on target), almost halfway inked so tiz all good.

Friday 22 April 2016

Pencils in the bag, time for a massive shin cup!

Well, pretty much four months (of fridays) to the day and issue two is all pencilled.
Cracking out the King size Shin cup to celebrate!

Friday 18 March 2016

Quick sketch of the shadowy shriek!

An early idea for the "Bobomoth", It's not a million miles away from the final design. I decided to remove the tail and tweak the eyes to make them more Owl like in the final version.

Sunday 13 March 2016

DEV CON Plymouth 2016

Had a blast today at the Plymouth Dev con. It was awesome to see so many enthusiastic comic fabs in search of a scribble or two. The Badger Bros seemed to have a good following down in that neck of the woods, looking forward to the next one!

Sunday 6 March 2016

A meeting with the master.

This weekend, after many years of following his work and enjoying the many tales of his famous Rabbit Ronin, I finally got to meet and chat with the great Stan Sakai. Such an awesome guy and total legend. I tried not to be a total geek and shower him with praise, but to be honest I failed haha.
I bow to you Sakai san!

Friday 26 February 2016

Practice, practice, practice.

Added a bit of colour to the Badge Bros sketch I did at the Cheltenham con a few weeks back. not quite where i want it to be, but still, practice is the key innit!?

Saturday 20 February 2016

Turtle Power!

Was looking through some old folders and found the inked version of a TMNT pic I did a while back. Gotta love them shell heads :)

Friday 12 February 2016

The boys.

Tea time with the Mystics.

A sneaky peek at BBHB book two. The Brocken Mystics have gathered to serve tea to an unexpected visitor.

What manner of beast is this?

Cart driver sketchbook bit.

Phew it's been a busy few weeks. Managed to get back on to a page or two of Battle Badgers today, and looking through my sketchbook found this sketch I did a few weeks ago of the grumpy cart driver.

Tuesday 19 January 2016

Goodbye Mr B.

Bowser was always one of my favorites and sadly he is no longer with us. Got the urge to sketch a quick portrait of his last incarnation (which has to be one of my favorites), inspired by the awesome video to "Lazarus".

Friday 15 January 2016